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Gorislav Sobolev
Gorislav Sobolev

Polizia Municipale Via Friuli 30 Milano Orari

How to Contact the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano: Hours and Services

If you need to contact the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano, you might be wondering about their hours and services. The Polizia Municipale is the local police force that deals with traffic violations, public order, safety and security, and other municipal matters. Here are some useful information to help you reach them and get the assistance you need.

polizia municipale via friuli 30 milano orari


Where is the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano?

The Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano is located in the Porta Romana area, near the Lodi TIBB metro station. The address is Via Friuli, 30, 20135 Milano MI, Italy. You can find it on the map below.

What are the hours of the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano?

The Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano is open to the public from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and on Saturday, from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm . You can visit them during these hours to get information, advice, or assistance on various issues related to the Polizia Municipale.

What services does the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano offer?

The Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano offers a range of services to the citizens and visitors of Milan. Some of these services are:

  • Ufficio Procedure Sanzionatorie: This office handles the sanctions and fines issued by the Polizia Municipale for traffic violations, such as entering the Area C zone without a valid ticket or permit. You can go to this office to pay your fine, request a reduction or cancellation of your fine, or file an appeal against your fine.

  • Ufficio Informazioni Area C: This office provides information and guidance on the Area C zone, which is a restricted traffic area in the center of Milan. You can go to this office to learn more about the rules and regulations of the Area C zone, how to buy a ticket or a permit to enter the zone, or how to apply for an exemption or a refund.

  • Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: This office deals with the public relations and communication of the Polizia Municipale. You can go to this office to ask general questions about the Polizia Municipale, report a problem or a complaint, or request a document or a certificate.

How to contact the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano?

If you want to contact the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano, you have several options. You can:

  • Visit them in person: You can go to their office in Via Friuli 30 Milano during their opening hours and talk to one of their staff members. You might need to take a number and wait for your turn, depending on the availability of the staff and the number of people in the queue.

  • Call them on the phone: You can call them on their phone number 02 0202 or 02 0208 . You can use these numbers to get information, make an appointment, or report an emergency. The phone lines are open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and on Saturday, from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm.

  • Email them: You can email them at You can use this email address to send them a message, request a document, or file a complaint. You should expect a reply within a few days, depending on the urgency and complexity of your request.

  • Visit their website: You can visit their website at You can use this website to find more information about the Polizia Municipale, their services, their projects, and their news. You can also access some online services, such as paying your fine, checking your fine status, or downloading some forms.

What are the benefits of contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano?

Contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano can have many benefits for you and for the city. Some of these benefits are:

  • Getting help and support: The Polizia Municipale is there to help you with any issue or problem that falls under their competence. They can provide you with information, advice, assistance, or protection. They can also help you resolve any dispute or conflict that you might have with other citizens or authorities.

  • Respecting the law and the rules: The Polizia Municipale is responsible for enforcing the law and the rules in the city. They can help you understand and comply with the regulations that apply to you, such as traffic rules, environmental rules, or public order rules. They can also help you avoid or reduce any penalty or sanction that you might incur for violating the law or the rules.

  • Improving the city and the community: The Polizia Municipale is involved in many projects and initiatives that aim to improve the city and the community. They can help you participate in these projects and initiatives, such as promoting road safety, preventing crime, or enhancing social cohesion. They can also help you contribute to the city and the community by reporting any issue or problem that you notice or experience in your area.

What are the challenges of contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano?

Contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano can also have some challenges for you and for them. Some of these challenges are:

  • Dealing with bureaucracy and delays: The Polizia Municipale is a public administration that has to follow certain procedures and protocols. This can sometimes result in bureaucracy and delays in processing your request or providing you with a service. You might need to fill out some forms, provide some documents, or wait for some time before getting a response or a solution.

  • Facing language and cultural barriers: The Polizia Municipale is a diverse and multicultural organization that serves a diverse and multicultural population. This can sometimes result in language and cultural barriers that can make communication and understanding difficult. You might need to speak Italian or use an interpreter, respect some customs or norms, or adapt to some differences or preferences.

  • Managing expectations and emotions: The Polizia Municipale is a human and professional organization that tries to do its best to satisfy your needs and expectations. However, this can sometimes result in disappointment or frustration if your needs and expectations are not met or if they differ from theirs. You might need to be realistic or flexible, express your feedback or complaints, or cope with your emotions.

How to overcome the challenges of contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano?

Despite the challenges, contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano can be a positive and rewarding experience for you and for them. Here are some tips to help you overcome the challenges and make the most of your contact:

  • Prepare yourself and your request: Before contacting the Polizia Municipale, make sure you have a clear and specific reason for doing so. Gather all the information and documents that you might need to support your request. Check their website or call them to find out their hours, services, and procedures.

  • Be respectful and cooperative: When contacting the Polizia Municipale, treat them with respect and courtesy. Follow their instructions and guidelines. Cooperate with them and provide them with any information or document that they might ask you. Avoid any conflict or confrontation.

  • Be patient and understanding: When contacting the Polizia Municipale, understand that they might be busy or overloaded with work. Be patient and wait for your turn or for their reply. Understand that they might have some limitations or constraints that prevent them from fulfilling your request or meeting your expectations.

What are some examples of contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano?

To give you a better idea of what contacting the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano entails, here are some examples of common scenarios and situations that might require you to contact them:

  • You received a fine for entering the Area C zone without a valid ticket or permit: You can contact the Ufficio Procedure Sanzionatorie in Via Friuli 30 Milano to pay your fine, request a reduction or cancellation of your fine, or file an appeal against your fine. You can also contact the Ufficio Informazioni Area C in Via Friuli 30 Milano to get more information about the Area C zone, how to buy a ticket or a permit, or how to apply for an exemption or a refund.

  • You witnessed or experienced a traffic accident, a crime, or a disturbance in the city: You can contact the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano to report the incident, provide your testimony, or request assistance. You can also contact them to get a copy of the police report, a certificate of attendance, or a damage assessment.

  • You need a document or a certificate from the Polizia Municipale for personal or professional reasons: You can contact the Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico in Via Friuli 30 Milano to request the document or the certificate that you need. You can also contact them to check the status of your request, to make changes or corrections, or to renew or update your document or certificate.


The Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano is an important and useful resource for the citizens and visitors of Milan. They offer a range of services and functions that can help you with various issues and problems related to traffic violations, public order, safety and security, and other municipal matters. Contacting them can have many benefits for you and for the city, but it can also have some challenges that you need to be aware of and prepared for. By following some tips and guidelines, you can overcome these challenges and make the most of your contact with the Polizia Municipale in Via Friuli 30 Milano. d282676c82


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