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Gary Dor
Gary Dor

Pemikiran Politik Barat: A Review of Ahmad Suhelmi's Book

Pemikiran Politik Barat: A Review of Ahmad Suhelmi's Book

Pemikiran Politik Barat (Western Political Thought) is a book written by Ahmad Suhelmi, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia. The book was published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2001 and has 408 pages. It is a comprehensive and systematic study of the history and development of political thought in the West, from ancient Greece to contemporary times.


The book covers various topics and themes related to the concepts of state, society and power, such as democracy, liberalism, socialism, fascism, feminism, postmodernism and globalization. It also discusses the main thinkers and schools of thought that have shaped the Western political tradition, such as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Freud, Rawls, Habermas and Foucault. The book aims to provide a critical and contextual analysis of the Western political ideas and their relevance to the current issues and challenges facing the world today.

The book is divided into 27 chapters, each focusing on a specific period or theme in the Western political thought. The chapters are organized chronologically and thematically, starting from the ancient Greek political philosophy to the modern and postmodern political theories. Each chapter begins with an introduction that summarizes the main points and arguments of the chapter. Then, it presents the historical background and context of the political thought in that period or theme. Next, it examines the key concepts and terms that are central to the political thought in that period or theme. Finally, it evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the political thought in that period or theme.

The book is written in a clear and accessible language that can be easily understood by students and general readers who are interested in learning about the Western political thought. The book also provides references and bibliographies for further reading and research. The book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate courses on political science, philosophy, sociology, history and culture.

Pemikiran Politik Barat is a valuable contribution to the literature on political thought and theory. It offers a comprehensive and critical overview of the Western political tradition and its implications for the contemporary world. It also invites readers to reflect on their own political views and values in relation to the Western political ideas.

The book is based on the author's extensive research and teaching experience on the Western political thought. The author claims that his book is not merely a descriptive or historical account of the Western political ideas, but rather a critical and evaluative one. He argues that the Western political thought is not a monolithic or homogeneous entity, but rather a diverse and dynamic one that reflects the changing historical and social contexts of the West. He also asserts that the Western political thought is not a superior or universal one, but rather a relative and contingent one that has its own strengths and weaknesses, merits and demerits.

The book is intended to stimulate readers to think critically and creatively about the Western political thought and its implications for their own political views and values. The author encourages readers to compare and contrast the Western political ideas with other political traditions, such as the Islamic, Asian or African ones. He also invites readers to question and challenge the Western political ideas and their assumptions, biases and limitations. He hopes that his book will inspire readers to develop their own political thought and vision that are relevant and responsive to the contemporary world.

Pemikiran Politik Barat is a book that deserves to be read by anyone who wants to learn more about the Western political thought and its influence on the world today. It is a book that offers a rich and insightful overview of the Western political tradition and its diversity and dynamism. It is also a book that provokes readers to reflect on their own political thought and values in relation to the Western political ideas. 0efd9a6b88


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