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Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith

Download Terbilang Excel 2019: Solusi Praktis untuk Mengubah Angka ke Huruf

Download Terbilang Excel 2019: A Guide to Convert Numbers into Words in Excel

If you work with numbers and data in Excel, you may have encountered situations where you need to convert numbers into words. For example, you may need to write a check, create an invoice, or generate a report that requires numbers to be spelled out in words. However, Excel does not have a built-in function that can do this for you. That's why you need Terbilang Excel 2019.

What is Terbilang Excel 2019?

Terbilang Excel 2019 is an add-in that allows you to convert numbers into words in Excel. It is compatible with Excel versions from 2007 to 2019, and it supports multiple languages, including English, Indonesian, Malay, Arabic, and Hindi. With Terbilang Excel 2019, you can easily convert any number into words with just a simple formula.

download terbilang excel 2019

The benefits of using Terbilang Excel 2019

There are many benefits of using Terbilang Excel 2019, such as:

  • It saves you time and effort. You don't have to manually type or copy and paste the words from other sources. You just need to enter the number and let the add-in do the rest.

  • It reduces errors and mistakes. You don't have to worry about spelling errors, typos, or grammatical errors when converting numbers into words. The add-in will ensure that the result is accurate and consistent.

  • It enhances your productivity and professionalism. You can create more polished and professional documents and reports that require numbers to be written in words. You can also impress your clients, colleagues, or bosses with your skills and knowledge.

The drawbacks of using Terbilang Excel 2019

However, there are also some drawbacks of using Terbilang Excel 2019, such as:

  • It requires an internet connection. You need to download the add-in file from the official website and install it on your computer. You also need to update it regularly to get the latest features and bug fixes.

  • It may not work with some versions of Excel. The add-in is designed for Excel versions from 2007 to 2019, but it may not be compatible with older or newer versions. You may also encounter some compatibility issues with other add-ins or macros that you have installed.

  • It may not cover all your needs. The add-in can convert numbers into words in several languages, but it may not support all the languages that you need. It also has some limitations on the format and style of the result, such as the currency symbol, unit, decimal point, etc.

How to download and install Terbilang Excel 2019?

If you want to try Terbilang Excel 2019, you need to download and install it on your computer. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Step 1: Download the add-in file from the official website

The first step is to download the add-in file from the official website of Terbilang Excel 2019. You can visit the website by clicking on this link: [Terbilang Excel 2019]. On the website, you will see a button that says "Download Now". Click on it and save the file to your preferred location. The file name is Terbilang.xlam and it is about 1.5 MB in size.

How to create numbers in Excel 2019 or later version

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Step 2: Open Excel and go to File > Options > Add-ins

The next step is to open Excel and go to File > Options > Add-ins. This will open a window that shows you all the add-ins that are available for Excel. You will see a drop-down menu at the bottom that says "Manage". Select "Excel Add-ins" from the menu and click on the Go button.

Step 3: Click on the Go button and browse for the add-in file

This will open another window that shows you all the add-ins that are installed on your computer. You will see a button that says "Browse". Click on it and locate the add-in file that you downloaded in step 1. Select the file and click on OK.

Step 4: Check the box next to Terbilang and click OK

This will add Terbilang Excel 2019 to your list of add-ins. You will see a box next to Terbilang that is checked. This means that the add-in is activated and ready to use. Click on OK to close the window and return to Excel.

How to use Terbilang Excel 2019?

Now that you have downloaded and installed Terbilang Excel 2019, you can start using it to convert numbers into words in Excel. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Step 1: Enter the number that you want to convert into words in a cell

The first step is to enter the number that you want to convert into words in a cell. For example, if you want to convert 123456789 into words, you can enter it in cell A1.

Step 2: Type =TERBILANG(cell reference) in another cell

The next step is to type =TERBILANG(cell reference) in another cell. The cell reference is the address of the cell that contains the number that you want to convert. For example, if you entered 123456789 in cell A1, you can type =TERBILANG(A1) in cell B1.

Step 3: Press Enter and see the result in words

The final step is to press Enter and see the result in words. For example, if you typed =TERBILANG(A1) in cell B1, you will see "One hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine" in cell B1.

Step 4: Adjust the format and language of the result as needed

You can also adjust the format and language of the result as needed. For example, you can change the currency symbol, unit, decimal point, etc. by adding some parameters to the formula. You can also change the language of the result by selecting a different language from the Terbilang tab on the ribbon. For more details, you can refer to the user manual or watch some tutorial videos on the official website of Terbilang Excel 2019.

Tips and tricks for using Terbilang Excel 2019

To help you get the most out of Terbilang Excel 2019, here are some tips and tricks that you can use:

How to change the currency symbol and unit

If you want to change the currency symbol and unit of the result, you can add a third parameter to the formula. The third parameter is a text value that specifies the currency symbol and unit. For example, if you want to convert 123456789 into words with US dollars as the currency symbol and unit, you can type =TERBILANG(A1,"USD"). This will give you "One hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine US dollars" as the result.

How to convert numbers into words in other languages

If you want to convert numbers into words in other languages, you can select a different language from the Terbilang tab on the ribbon. The Terbilang tab has a drop-down menu that shows you all the languages that are supported by the add-in. You can choose from English, Indonesian, Malay, Arabic, and Hindi. For example, if you want to convert 123456789 into words in Arabic, you can select Arabic from the menu and see the result in cell B1.

How to use Terbilan


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