Kurikulum ders 4: Kurikulumun tərtibatı və məzmunu haqqında əsas məlumatlar
Kurikulum ders 4: What is it and why is it important?
If you are a student, teacher, or parent in Azerbaijan, you may have heard of kurikulum ders 4. But what exactly is it and why does it matter? In this article, we will explain what kurikulum ders 4 is, what it covers, and how it can help students achieve their academic goals and personal growth.
Kurikulum ders 4 is the fourth grade curriculum in the general education system in Azerbaijan. It covers three main subjects: English language, mathematics, and natural and social sciences. The curriculum is based on the general education curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training, which aims to provide students with a comprehensive, balanced, and relevant education that meets their needs and abilities.
kurikulum ders 4
The general education curriculum in Azerbaijan consists of three levels: primary (grades 3-5), lower secondary (grades 6-9), and upper secondary (grades 10-12). Each level has its own objectives, content, and assessment methods. The curriculum also reflects the national values, culture, history, and identity of Azerbaijan, as well as the global trends and challenges in education.
The main objective of kurikulum ders 4 is to enable students to formulate and develop their communicative competences in English, their mathematical competences, and their scientific literacy. These competences are essential for students to live and work effectively in the modern world, to learn other subjects well, and to pursue lifelong learning. Kurikulum ders 4 also aims to foster students' personal qualities, such as creativity, critical thinking, curiosity, cooperation, responsibility, respect, tolerance, and patriotism.
Content of kurikulum ders 4
English language
English language is a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum from grades 3 to 12. It is one of the instrumental subjects that helps students communicate with people from different countries and cultures, access information from various sources, explore new ideas and perspectives, and enhance their learning outcomes in other subjects.
In kurikulum ders 4, students learn English language at the A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This means that they can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases, introduce themselves and others, ask and answer simple questions, and interact in a simple way. They also learn about the culture and customs of English-speaking countries and regions.
The main topics and skills taught in English language are:
Listening: Students can listen and understand short dialogues, stories, songs, and instructions related to familiar topics, such as greetings, family, school, hobbies, food, weather, etc.
Speaking: Students can speak and express themselves in simple sentences and phrases, using appropriate pronunciation, intonation, and body language. They can also participate in role-plays, games, and presentations.
Reading: Students can read and understand short texts, such as letters, messages, signs, posters, menus, etc. They can also identify the main idea, details, and sequence of events in a text.
Writing: Students can write simple texts, such as sentences, paragraphs, invitations, cards, etc. They can also use basic punctuation, capitalization, and spelling rules.
Vocabulary: Students can use a range of words and expressions related to the topics they learn. They can also use dictionaries and other tools to learn new words.
Grammar: Students can use basic grammatical structures and forms, such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, articles, etc. They can also use simple tenses, such as present simple, present continuous, past simple, etc.
Some examples of activities and resources for English language learning are:
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Flashcards: Students can use flashcards to review and practice vocabulary and grammar. They can also play games with flashcards, such as memory or bingo.
Worksheets: Students can use worksheets to practice listening, reading, writing, and grammar skills. They can also check their answers with the teacher or peers.
Online platforms: Students can use online platforms to access interactive materials and exercises for English language learning. They can also communicate with other students and teachers through chat or video calls.
Mathematics is another compulsory subject in the general education curriculum from grades 3 to 12. It is one of the fundamental subjects that helps students develop logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It also helps students understand the patterns and relationships in nature and society.
In kurikulum ders 4, students learn mathematics at the level 1 of the National Curriculum for Mathematics (NCM). This means that they can perform basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. They can also use simple formulas, graphs, tables, and diagrams to represent and analyze data.
The main topics and skills taught in mathematics are:
Number and place value: Students can read, write, compare, and order whole numbers up to 10,000. They can also use place value to round numbers and estimate sums and differences.
Operations and calculations: Students can add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. They can also use mental strategies, written methods, and calculators to perform calculations.
Measurement: Students can measure length, mass, capacity, time, temperature, and money using appropriate units and tools. They can also convert between different units of measurement.
Geometry: Students can identify and describe common 2D and 3D shapes. They can also draw and measure angles, lines, and symmetry.
Data handling: Students can collect, organize, display, and interpret data using graphs, tables, charts, and diagrams. They can also use simple formulas to calculate mean, median, mode, and range.
Problem solving: Students can apply their mathematical knowledge and skills to solve problems in various contexts. They can also use logical reasoning to explain their solutions and check their answers.
Some examples of activities and resources for mathematics learning are:
Manipulatives: Students can use manipulatives to explore and demonstrate mathematical concepts and operations. Manipulatives are concrete objects that students can manipulate physically, such as counters, blocks, beads, etc.
Games: Students can use games to practice and reinforce mathematical skills and strategies. Games are fun and engaging activities that involve rules, goals, challenges, and rewards.
Online platforms: Students can use online platforms to access interactive materials and exercises for mathematics learning. They can also communicate with other students and teachers through chat or video calls.
Natural and social sciences
Natural and social sciences is a combined subject in the general education curriculum from grades 3 to 5. It is one of the integrative subjects that helps students understand the natural phenomena and the social processes that shape the world they live in. It also helps students develop scientific inquiry skills and civic awareness.
In kurikulum ders 4, students learn natural and social sciences at the level 1 of the National Curriculum for Natural and Social Sciences (NCNSS). This means that they can identify and describe the basic concepts and facts related to the natural environment and the human society. They can also use simple methods and tools to observe, experiment, and investigate scientific and social questions.
The main topics and skills taught in natural and social sciences are:
Living things: Students can identify and classify liv